
Friday at 10:43 a.m. 22-Year old Eilene Ibarra cited for No proof of Insurance

2:17 p.m. 27-Year old Maribel Trevino arrested on local warrant out of Faribault County

7:32 p.m. 45-Year old Corinna Rodriquez cited for No Minnesota Driver’s License

Midnight: 56-Year old Joseph Madrigal cited for Driving after Revocation

Saturday at 1:12 a.m. 21-Year old Kyle Backus arrested for DWI

12:30 p.m. 43-Year old Juan Vasquez Jr. cited for Driving after Suspension

12:49 p.m. 39-Year old Naam Matthews cited for Disorderly Conduct

11:31 p.m. 29-Year old Anthony Barela arrested for Driving after Suspension

Sunday at 1:48 a.m. 31-Year old Jesse Gilbertson cited for Driving after Revocation

6:36 a.m. A report of a 2013 Chevy Impala stolen from the garage at 1917 Bimelich Lane.

7 p.m. 34-Year old Nicole Wagner served a local warrant out of Mower County

Sheriff’s Office:

Saturday at 11:36 p.m. Courtney Guritz cited for No proof of Insurance

Midnight: Christoper Bushan arrested for 4th Degree DWI

Sunday at 2:01 a.m. Lisa Neumen cited for Driving after Suspension