Minnesota Corn and Soybeans Slightly Ahead of Average
Widespread rain events allowed 3.9 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Sunday, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Some crops sustained wind and hail damage, but the much-needed rainfall increased some crop conditions slightly. Field activities for the week included harvesting small grains and cutting corn for silage.
Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 20% very short, 28% short, 46% adequate and 6% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 30% very short, 39% short, 30% adequate and 1% surplus.
Corn in or beyond the dough stage reached 95%, one day behind last year but six days ahead of the 5-year average. Corn dented reached 50%, two days behind last year but two days ahead of average. Corn mature reached 6%, two days ahead of last year and five days ahead of the average. Corn harvested for silage reached 25%, four days ahead of last year and ten days ahead of the 5-year average. Corn condition rated 36% good to excellent.
Soybeans coloring reached 40%, four days ahead of last year and over a week ahead of the 5-year average. Soybeans dropping leaves reached 9%, five days ahead of last year and a week ahead of the average. Soybeans condition rated 31% good to excellent.
Dry beans dropping leaves reached 58%. Dry bean harvest was 3% complete. Dry beans condition rated 19% good to excellent. Potatoes were 23% harvested. Potato condition rated 70% good to excellent. Sunflower condition rated 35% good to excellent. Sugarbeet harvest is underway. Sugarbeet condition rated 71% good to excellent.
Pasture condition was 42% very poor, 34% poor, 18% fair, 3% good and 3% excellent. No livestock losses were reported.