MN Crop Progress
Drier conditions prevailed this week slightly increasing the
number of days suitable for fieldwork to 3.7 during the
week ending October 20, 2019, according to USDA’s
National Agricultural Statistics Service. Drier weather and
cooler than normal temperatures allowed fields to dry
somewhat, but the moisture content of crops is still
measuring above optimal percent’s. Field activities for the
week mostly revolved around harvesting crops.
Topsoil moisture condition was rated 0 percent very short,
0 percent short, 53 percent adequate and 47 percent
surplus. Subsoil moisture condition was rated 0 percent
very short, 0 percent short, 55 percent adequate and
45 percent surplus.
Eighty-nine percent of the corn crop was mature, 18 days
behind last year and 10 days behind normal. Corn
harvested for grain reached 11 percent, 17 days behind last
year and 13 days behind the average. Corn harvested for
silage reached 90 percent this week, 12 days behind
average. Corn condition was rated 53 percent good to
excellent, a slight improvement from the previous week.
Nearly all soybeans have dropped their leaves, 6 days
behind normal. Forty-two percent of the soybean crop has
been harvested, 2 weeks behind average. Soybean
condition was rated 53 percent good to excellent,
remaining steady when compared to the previous week.
Dry edible beans harvested reached 68 percent this week,
26 days behind the average. Sunflower harvest finally
kicked off this week. Sunflower condition rated 68 percent
good to excellent, declining from the previous week.
Potatoes harvested reached 90 percent, 10 days behind
normal. Sugarbeet harvest was 47 percent complete,
13 days behind average. Sugarbeet condition was rated
81 percent good to excellent.
Pasture condition remained steady at 53 percent good to