RSVP for the Feb. 22nd Winter Workshop!
January 3, 2024 5:27AM CST
Don’t forget to RSVP for the Winter Workshop event in Owatonna on Feb. 22nd! Speaking will be Martin Larsen, Carolyn King, and a manure panel. Then event is free to attend but we ask that you RSVP for a meal count. View the attached flyer for specific details.
This event will be focusing on Maximizing Profitability with Carbon, Small Grains, Manure, and More. Please RSVP by February 15th, 2024, by calling 507-320-3728, emailing [email protected], or by QR code on the flyer.
WinterWorkshopOwatonnaFeb.22FlyerThis event is a part of the HWY-14 soil health tour with events in Lake Benton and Lamberton MN.